Friday, December 6, 2019

Nuclear Proliferation Essay Example For Students

Nuclear Proliferation Essay With regards to Irans position on Nuclear Proliferation, it is compared tothe position of Iraq, which is a country that has already signed the NuclearNon-Proliferation Treaty but wants Nuclear weapons. Iran is a greedy countrywaiting to get the technology to develop its Nuclear program and with recentdevelopment and help by other countries such as China, North Korea, Russia, andKazakhstan, it leaves the west worried. CIA director, Robert Gates, testifiedthat Iran was seeking a Nuclear bomb and could have one by the year 2000 if theWest does not prevent it. (Washington Post; NOV. 17, 1992). Since 1991 Iran hassought out the buy nuclear reactors to help it learn the technology such as in1992 when it purchased reactors from former Soviet republics and China Only oneMiddle East country owns nuclear weapons and that is Israel, which helpsIrans case because that then creates a super power in that area. As said byIranian leaders of Irans right to possess nuclear weapons and have suggestedth at Muslim nations should acquire nuclear weapons to match Israelscapabilities. Along with Iran, Iraq is also trying to build a nuclear programand are even closer than Iran is. Iran has signed the NPT but does not agreewith the contents. The treaty controls the export of nuclear technology toprevent the spread of atomic weapons. Iran does not follow this since they havebeen trying to import information on how to make these weapons. Since Iran istrying to build a nuclear missile and is looking for information outside thecountry, they do not agree with Non-Proliferation. Iran for years has tried tobuy information off of China on how to build a nuclear reactor and just latelyRussia. Ten private Russian companies were allegedly helping Iran with nucleartechnology. Since then the United States learned of Russian and Iraniancooperation and has imposed sanctions on those companies. Nuclear informationneeds to fall under internal matters and the International Atomic Energy Agencyand the Unit ed Nations should not try to regulate nuclear proliferation. Countries that do not have nuclear weapons feel that to protect themselvesagainst countries that do have weapons so they need to keep on developing waysto produce the weapons. If any country is a protocol for anti proliferationit would have to be the United States. Many times they have stopped Iran frombuying and receiving nuclear information and materials from other countries. Other anti proliferation countries should see what the US has done with Iranand do the same. No the IAEA should not be strengthened. Non proliferationcountries should take control of the countries that are still evolved withproliferation.. For example the United States has stopped Iran like in Novemberof 1992 when the US discovered Iran was on the verge of getting nuclearequipment by China and Argentina and in 1994 when Iran attempted to buy 1320pounds of enriched uranium from Kazakhstan. The United States has successfullystopped many countries and other anti proliferation can do the same. Thecommittee can strengthen the UNs efforts by providing new ways of stoppingcountries that are providing nuclear information and those receiving it. Ifthere was a way to protect countries against other nuclear countries in theirregion then it would ease proliferation. That way countries will not feelunprotected if they do not have nuclear weapons.

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